Keep Your Information Secure - Do's and Don'ts for Recognizing Scam and Preventing Fraud by E*Trade®
According to E*Trade, financial scams are on the rise. But you can learn how to spot them and help protect your accounts.

Be cautious of unsolicited callers, especially those asking for personal or account information. Call a phone number listed on the company's official website instead.
Take your time to get the facts before responding to determine if an urgent, dire-sounding scenario or request is legitimate.
Use lengthy and unique passwords for your accounts and enable multi-factor authentication whenever available.
Send or accept payments on money transfer apps like Zelle®, Venmo or CashApp from someone you don't know.
Provide remote access to your computer or account login information, such as your username and password.
Click on any links, provide any information or make payments on websites that are sent to you from an unfamiliar source.
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